Näringslivsregistret - The Trade and Industry Register

About the navigation

By means of the tabs in the upper part of the menu you may choose to proceed to Search, Examination or Business information.

Under the tabs you will find the following options


 Sök Search - choose from the drop menu
 Företag Enterprise
 Person Person
 Värdepappersinstitut Securities institute
 Anknutna ombud Tied Agents
 Försäkringsförmedlare Insurance intermediaries
 Registret mot penningtvätt The register against money laundering
 Ärendenummer Case number
 Granskning Examination of business names - choose by the radio buttons
 Granska alla Examine all
 Granska levande Excluding dissolved, examine the rest
 Sök sökord Search for "search-words"
 Företagsinformation Business information -enter a registraion number - e.g. for limited companies the following options are available (for other forms of business enterprise not all the options are available)
 Ladda hem elektroniska dokument Download electronic documents
 Inkomna årsredovisningar Submitted annual reports
 Ärendeförteckning Case number index
 Företagsnamn Business name
 Verksamhet/ändamål Business activities/Objects of the company
 Grundinformation företag Basic information on the enterprise
 Företagsstatus Company status
 Aktiekapital Share capital
 Funktionärer/firmateckning Officials/Signatory power/Remarks, if any
 Förseningsavgifter Late filing penalties
 Företagsinteckningar Corporate mortgage registrations 
 Företagsinteckning-ärende Corporate mortage - open cases


Business information

Download electronic documents (Ladda hem elektroniska dokument)

The following electronic documents are available for downloading:

Submitted annual reports (Inkomna årsredovisningar)

A list of the annual reports and interim reports that the chosen company has submitted. (Applicable only for limited companies). Here you will also see if the company is the parent company in a group of companies ("Koncernredovisning: Ja"), if a dividend on the shares has been distributed as well as the amount and the date of distribution.

Permitted financial years are:

Case number index (Ärendeförteckning)

The full list of the submitted registration matters from the enterprise as well as the date if registration of the matter/case, if it was registered or for example was written off. Under Detaljer (details) the following is shown: Case number, contents in brief, the date of registration of the matter/case, the fee paid. If the registration matter has caused an exchange of messages between the agent/submitter as well as answers to these messages, the dates are shown for the exchange of letters. If the matter has been registered, the date of registration and the date of public announcement are shown.

Business name (Företagsnamn)

Here you will find information on the business name, date of registration of the name. County of registration and additional counties, if any, where the business name has been protected for the forms of business enterprise for which such registration is applicable. Previous business names, if any, are also shown here.

Information on the number of registered secondary names, the secondary names as well as the part of the business activities that are to be carried on under this name. Sacondary name (bifirma) = an extra business name for a part of the business activities.

If the company has a registered business name in translation it is shown here.

Business activities (Verksamhet/ändamål)

The page contains information (in Swedish) regarding the business activities registered for the enterprise.

Basic information on the enterprise (Grundinformation företag)

Here it is stated whether a company is a public limited company or a private limited company, permits, if any, as well as the date of information. The registered postal adress; only one adress may be registered for the company. Country is stated if other than Sweden. The e-mail adress may also be displayed there. The registered office of the company (county and municipality) and county of registration. The date of registration of the economic plan of a tenant-owners´association. Summons and tim of the general shareholders´meeting{general meeting of associations. The financial year is shown here.

The general shareholders´meeting/the general meeting of the association must be held at the place where the board has its registered office.

Date of the most recently adopted statutes of the association, if the association has changed its accounting currency (only applicable for economic associations - EK)

Company status (Företagsnamn)

Information is shown here if the company has a status such as bankruptcy, liquidation, merger, reorganization of business, division or if the company has been struck off the register for any other reason.

Share capital (Aktiekapital) - only applicable to limited liability companies

Here we present the current share capital, the limits of the share capital as stipulated in the articles of association, the total number of shares as well as the limits for the minimum and maximum number of shares to be issued. Here you will also find a specification of class of shares, the number of votes per share as well as number of shares in the different classes if more than one class is represented.

On this page we present information on reduction, bond issue, new issue, exchanges, promissory notes, convertibles, share warrants and authorization, if applicable to the company.

Officials/Signatory power/Remarks, if any, of inadequate number of officials (funktionärer/firmateckning/vakans)

"Official" is a generic name for all people/representatives registered in different forms of business enterprise.

Click this link to view a summary of all the officials, their signatory power as well as a remark of inadequacy, if any, in the number of officials. Historical information is also shown. Full personal details are shown for all individuals. Limits for the stipulated number of board members and power of procuration are shown here, if such information is registered. By power of procuration we mean a commercial authorization issued for a procuration holder.

Late filing penalties (Förseningsavgifter)

We may charege limited companies late filing penalties if their annual accounting documents (annual report and auditor´s report) is not filed with Bolagsverket on time.

The companies can avoid the late filing penalties only by submitting the annual reports on time.

Here we present the financial period, the date of the early reminder, confirmation and message about correction, if applicable. If the company has reported "continued general meeting" it is stated the latest date of filing the annual report with Bolagsverket.

Apart from the decision of the filing penalty and information regarding the payment of the penalty you will find information regarding appeal, review or remission of the penalty, if applicable.

Corporate mortgage (Företagsinteckningar)

This link present a summary of the total amount of registered corporate mortgages of an individual, more persons jointly or an enterprise in the Corporate Mortgage Register. Here you will also see the most recently closed date for registration of applications (stängda inskrivningsdag).

A short vocabulary regarding corporate mortgage

A mortgage deed issued in a business; may be used as a guarantee against loans et cetra.

The date of registration of the corporate mortgage application is normally the day of receipt by the corporate mortgage registrar of the application though the actual registration of the matter takes place another day.

A corporate mortgage certificate is the proof of a corporate mortgage. It is issued in connection with the granting of the mortgage.

A certificate of search shows what mortgages are granted to a certain entrepreneur.

Corporate mortgage - cases (Företagsinteckningar - ärende)

The link presents a summary of the matters which have been submitted to the Corporate Mortgage Register regarding a person/entrepreneur. Only matters received as of the system conversion on 1 January 2004 may be viewed.

For each matter the following information is displayed: case number, measures - if any - taken in the matter, executing official in the matter and for closed matters the decision-maker.

Explanation to the codes mentioned under the heading ÅTGÄRD (measures taken in the matter):

01 or INT                                        Mortgage

02 or INH Innehavsanteckning             Note regarding owner

03 or HDÖ Heldödning                        Cancellation in full

04 or UTB Utbyte                             Replacement

05 or SAM Sammanföring                   Joining

06 or ANT Anteckning                       Note

07 or NED Nedsättning                      Reduction

08 or UTS Utsträckning                     Extension

09 or DDÖ Deldödning                       Cancellation in part

10 or MED Medelsfördelning               Division of assets

14 or ANMN Anmärkning näringsidkare  Remark on entrepreneur

16 or ANMV Anmärkning verksamhet    Remark on business activities

19 or ANMI Anmärkning inteckning       Remark on mortgage

21 or ANMA Anmärkning anteckning     Remark on note

24 or ÅT Återärende                         Returned matter

25 or UTN Utnyttjat belopp vid fusion  Used amount by merger

XXX Makulerat ärende                      Cancelled matter



Bolagsverket, 851 81 Sundsvall • Telefon: 0771-670 670 • bolagsverket@bolagsverket.sewww.bolagsverket.se